By volunteering at the Harmony Library, you will not only help to continue our programs and services, but you will also help enhance the Harmony Library as a center for community, cultural, and informational activities. In addition to your financial support, you can help by becoming involved in the organizational activities. Help is needed in the following ways: working at book and plant sales, and donating books and plants.
Please support the Harmony Library, precious resource for our community, by becoming a volunteer.
Please support the Harmony Library, precious resource for our community, by becoming a volunteer.
Volunteers can work for as few as four hours at a book sale or a full day at the annual plant sale in June.
If you would like to volunteer, stop by the Harmony Library and talk to a staff person at the Circulation Desk. |
Give Financial Support
Thank your for your past support for the Harmony Library. Now, it's your opportunity again to thank the Harmony Library for the many ways it has enriched your life.
With its community support, the Harmony LIbrary has been able to provide for Adult and Children programs, purchase new garden benches, provided for building improvements, and supported a number of library projects. |