Interlibrary Loan Policy of the Glocester Libraries
Harmony Library and Glocester Manton Library
Harmony Library and Glocester Manton Library (hereafter “Glocester Libraries”) are members of the Ocean State Libraries consortium (OSL) and the Library of Rhode Island (LORI). As such, Glocester Libraries fully participate in the Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) that allows for the exchange of library materials, regardless of format, between Rhode Island libraries and out-of-state libraries.
Patrons with a full-access OSL library card in good standing are encouraged to request materials not found in their home library. The availability of these items are dependent on the owning library’s policies. Items not found in Rhode Island public libraries can be requested from other college and university libraries in Rhode Island. If the items are not found, they may be requested from out-of-state.
Interlibrary loans obtained from libraries outside the statewide delivery system are not subject to a fee for return postage unless the patron fails to pick up the requested item.
All items on the shelves of the Glocester Libraries that are set to “holdable” are available for interlibrary loan.
This policy or an amended version will be adopted by the Boards of Trustees of the Harmony Library and Glocester Manton Library at their regular meetings on May 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM and June 5, 2018 at 7:00pm, respectively.